
  • Master Class in the Novel

    July 11, 2015 - 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM
    Taos Summer Writers' Conference

    Every successful novel stakes out its own territory and defines the terms by which it will be judged. For your novel, what are those terms? How fully have you created the world of your story? In this week-long intensive workshop we’ll look closely at each manuscript and, through one-on-one one consultation and in-class constructive critique, develop a revision strategy to bring each novel, on its own terms, to its fuller realization. We'll have the chance to consider how crucial narrative techniques contribute to the art of storytelling, and we'll take a look at masterful examples of each. Inventiveness, surprise, emotional depth, focus, and scale will inform our explorations of more traditional elements of fiction as we work together toward that most essential aim: to bring the novel alive for the reader. Along the way we'll address practical concerns, explore issues of writing process, and share our stories from the novel-writing trenches.